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Ultra Pro: Magic the Gathering - Brothers' War - Exclusive Playmat - Version 1

Ultra Pro: Magic the Gathering - Brothers' War - Exclusive Playmat - Version 1

  • Playmats feature popular Magic The Gathering artwork. Made with a soft fabric top to reduce damage to cards during play and a non-slip rubber backing to keep the playmat from shifting during use, playmats enhance the gameplay experience. With dimensions o
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Opis produktu

Playmats feature popular Magic The Gathering artwork. Made with a soft fabric top to reduce damage to cards during play and a non-slip rubber backing to keep the playmat from shifting during use, playmats enhance the gameplay experience. With dimensions of approximately 24 in. x 13.5 in. (60 cm x 34 cm), a playmat also makes an excellent oversize mousepad for home or office.   Officially licensed playmat for Magic the Gathering - Brothers War. Features exclusive artwork. Approximately 24 in. x 13.5 in. (60 cm x 34 cm) and lies flat. Soft fabric top helps protect cards during gameplay. Non-slip rubber backing keeps the playmat from shifting during use.

EAN: 074427197209
Waga: 0.5 kg
Wydawnictwo: Ultra-Pro
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